
Undoubtedly, the main theme of the novel Things Fall Apart is the struggle between change and tradition. The novel considers how different characters are affected by change and how they deal with it. Okonkwo for example, resists the new changes because it questions his personal status. In the first part of the book, Okonkwo clearly has a high status because of the titles he has taken and because he is a great warrior, but when the Christians come and welcome every outcast of the clan, saying that all men are equal, Okonkwo´s status is in jeopardy. In general, the villagers are caught between resisting and embracing the new religion. Many of them, including Okonkwo´s son, are excited by the new opportunities and techniques. But the most important reason why Okonkwo´s son converted to the new religion is to seek answers.

Another significant theme in the novel is the varying interpretations of masculinity. To the main character, Okonkwo, masculinity is associated with aggression and during the whole novel, most of the feelings he expresses are anger. He gets this from the hatred he has for his dead father, a man Okonkwo despised and did everything in this power not to be like. For the most part, the clan´s idea of manliness is not the same as for Okonkwo. While Okonkwo is in exile, he is supposed to get more in touch with his feminine side, but he only reinforces his idea that men are stronger than women.

The clash of cultures is also an important theme in the novel. Like I mentioned, the change occurs on an individual level, but also at social levels. The cultural misunderstandings lead to conflicts where several people were killed.

Achebe gives us a detailed picture of the Ibo life and society before the white man came and changed the picture. The book is almost a history book. Everything is explained to us. We get to know a strange and foreign culture. And most important of all, we learn that the tribesmen are human beings just like us, only with different believes and rituals. We learn about the Ibo culture from the inside.

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